Roberta M. Gubbins, Esq.

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Video in 2016

“I think we need some videos for our website and other marketing,” said Lance, sitting at the long, walnut table in the conference room of L & L Law Firm. Linda joined him as he continued. “The marketing experts say that video can improve our Internet Marketing results.”

“You want to go Hollywood? I’m not so sure about that,” said Linda.

“Well,” said Lance, “I’ve been looking into it and I think it’s the right addition for us.”

Lance is right. L & L Law can use video to market their practice and establish authority in their area of expertise, elder law. With video marketing, L & L Law can create content that will make new and old clients more likely to try, buy and refer more of their services over time. Video can highlight individual attorneys giving them an opportunity to demonstrate their expertise.

And, video is popular. YouTube reports that 1 billion people used its services in 2014. It’s hard not to click the button to see action.

How can you use video?

1. Add a welcome page to your website. Show the firm and introduce attorneys and staff members.
2. Answer questions--pick general topics such as “5 Things to Consider Before Hiring an Elder Law Attorney.”
3. Create a video library on topics related to your firm--keep the topics short--1 to 3 minutes.
4. Add videos to Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube; use Twitter to share links

DYI or a Pro?

While it is possible to create your own video, it’s not advisable to do so.

If your video has poor sound, bad lighting and looks sloppy, the viewer can assume the firm is the same. It’s better to use a professional. Make a plan or list of the type of videos you want to create so you can do several in one day. Keep the topics short--3 minutes at the most and have the editor add an intro, title and closing.

Using video can help attract more clients and grow your law firm by establishing your expertise online. It's also a popular trend for 2016. Might be worth giving it a go.

Excerpt from Clear & Convincing article first published in the SBM e-journal, October 5th issue.